We've had domestic strife. Our cats are battling hard to be completely banished to an indoor lifestyle. Despite their love of fresh air they keep treating the garden as a litter box. We've had two motion sensing sprinklers for quite awhile. But due to the water supply they're constrained to fixed location. I decided to augment them with two
heat sensing ultrasonic cat annoyance devices.
Unfortunately, these things work entirely too well for pets. Other people cats using your garden? No problem, use these guys, they work. But, if you actually want your pets to enjoy outside, don't. Our cats didn't even go outside anymore. In fact, when I was outside I could hear the little chirp the device makes when it goes off regardless of any moving heat source. They have no sensitivity adjustment, or convenient off switch (though, picking it up and placing it face down effectively turns it off). These two strikes were sufficient to stop using it, the kicker was that their usage manual says that if you're out in the garden you should disconnect it. As I mentioned, it doesn't have a convenient off switch.
Given that it isn't user friendly for cats or humans, I returned the two units.
I reorganized our motionsensing sprinklers to better cover our garden. I had a spare whose sprinkler I'd broken, but was able to buy a sprinkler head for. Between the three we have almost sufficient coverage. Hopefully it's enough.
Additionally, I put in an automated irrigation for our patio tomatos. Five roma's and some kind of cherry we're not sure about yet. It's hot on the patio, and the tomatos are doing well, they need to be watered twice a day, so this will be a bit of a relief.
Here's a nice picture of a silhouette of said tomatos on our living room wall.