As much as to maintain an archive of our gardening including photographs and yields, we wish to use this space to document with the purpose of encouraging others to do the same thing.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
pea stand
With a few bamboo sticks and strings, we have constructed some support for our shelling peas and snow peas. This is the first time we tried this method. We'll see how well works.
Mark has also set up some trails for the hop plants to climb. The hops will be climbing from the ground up all the way to the top of the patio and across to the pole that we installed a couple years ago. You can see in the picture that there is a hop branch (by the stairs railing) shooting up.
This blog is here to help us document our garden. We've had three years of growing experience on our property with nothing more to show than our health and a few random pictures. Our intent here is two-fold; first to give us an archive of our garden which will allow us to plan a new season and to hopefully inspire others to do as we've done.
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